Stalking Spirits In Their Craft?

It can be so not palatable to deal with activities of the spirit world as a natural human being. Spirits are invisible, humanity is natural and visible, easy to relate with because you can feel, touch and hear.
To be stalked by some powers in dark places leave you livid in fear and spooky feelings, not knowing or seeing what is comes upon you. It is absolutely pointless contending against what you don’t see. There is a greater Power in God than any spirit being!
Go with a glow, go with God!

Work to balance that Pollyanna attitude of yours, season it with some cynicism to wade off every thing that is evil, every wicked power that seek to destroy you. You must ask to know what every promise or every deal has for you before you sign up.

Everybody tries to fight to acquire good things for their homes, to keep and build up for every eventuality. But you wonder what witches and wizards fight for because they seem to steal, kill and destroy what is good even in their homes – well, that’s the impression I got about witches and wizards during my growing up days, that they kill and destroy people who are related to them.

Some say they just desire to be different, extraordinary, to receive a transcending powers to go from their natural selves to be extraordinary. So that they can walk shoulder high, have a feeling of being stronger, better and above their peers. They work to instill fear and terror in the life of those who think of you as a nobody.

Many people crave for such powers and they ask you the questions like: Don’t you want to be free? Don’t you want to be powerful? And they tell you things like, “If you want to truly have a hold and control other humans like you, you’ve got to receive help from the spiritual world, or sell your soul to the devil.”

The question is, what’s in it for me?

Surprisingly, I had thought all along witchcraft and evil spirits only existed during my growing up days. But I realized they’ve always been around, even right here with us to this day. They’re just everywhere!

The locals in my growing up days sort of painted pictures of weird, very horrible looking kind of human creatures with ugly teeth like those long, sharp-pointed sabre teeth (canines) of blood thirsty felines. And with such spooky, mangled, and badly wrinkled faces, you have a description of an ugly monster.

Folklores and fairytale told us, they’re transported on broomsticks to their rendezvous. Well, with that, I’m tempted to ask you can find your craft amongst the fleet parked in the lot?

So much we gawked over if you are of my generation. We were told so much that didn’t seem true. Almost every time someone died, credibility was ascribed to witchcraft activities. And those were the usual human beings we saw and lived with everyday. We had played and sobbed with some but then they were alleged to possess some sort of double personalities – a life they lived during the day and another evil personality they assume at the wee hours of night.

Funny enough, I knew some of the people who were accused of such double personality, you could swear for them. It was so hard to believe such because they sounded like fables, mere fairytale to me. I had heard many times that some of those accusers actually confessed to the fact that they truly belonged to witchcraft confraternity and it baffled me how someone in his or her right thinking mind, a normal human being like me would turn out to become such a monster in the dark nights. It’s never going to make any sense to me how a person will take suc decision to become human being and a wicked spirit at the same time. I can wrap my mind around it.

The believe was that such monsters sleep during the day and operates at night times, fly off to their meeting places on broomsticks.

What can be more witch hunting than a bad attitude “fellow or friend” who is hell bent at making your life miserable? A man who is not competing at helping you build, a man who is not trying to build himself or you but one who is only stalking you to destroy you. Sadly, it is said that they only deal with family members and they take turns to share their loot.

Once again I say, check it up at that parking lot if there’s anyway you can find your own craft parked there! I guess, It would be easy to tell what brand of vehicle you parked in that lot. They seem exactly the same, all of the vehicles parked out there. Maybe same shape, same color and maybe same models special designed for specific and high profiled customers, high cadre members of their confraternity.

Look at how neatly those vehicles are parked in their stands.

They say that the way a man treats his car is the way he treats his woman or vice versa – sounds like what we hear in romantic stories huh. And like we always know, a man’s heart is where his treasurers are kept, – these sayings always hold true. You know a man by what he or she dedicate to doing. They say these crafty men always toy around, fantasize with their trades so as to put away anyone or anything that stands on their way.

Do you own this kind of vehicle? Do you work in a society like this? Check it out, maybe you share in their business. Of course, is it not birds of same feathers that flock together? How dare you think of them differently? You know them by their fruits.

We are in the end of times, every believer needs to be wise, alert, up and doing so that you may be able to stand firm less you fall. Many of the evil and wickedness carried out by evil personalities otherwise called witches and wizards are geared towards inflicting pains, sorrows, destiny manipulation, untimely or sudden death of their victims.

By the special grace of God Almighty, Jesus Christ was manifested that He might destroy the works of the devil and all his agents of darkness.

When an evil personality is bewitching a victim, they will act as if they don’t know what is happening to the person meanwhile, they are the cause of their victim’s predicament. Through their enchantments, incantations, manipulations, invocations, divinations, sorceries, jinx, evil spells, projections arrows etc, they are able to afflict and torment their victims in such manners that is dehumanizing.

These are people you have not offended in anyway but they just derive pleasure when their victims are in sorrows, pains and penury. I call it “Unnecessary Wickedness” from devilish, merciless, demonized and hardened hearts.

When they are bewitching their victim, they will be monitoring the victim very closely to see if their evil and wicked plans and agenda are working. After all, “who will know or expose what they are into?” (That is their foolish slogan).

Yes, that your close friend, colleague, neighbor, relative, brother or sister, even member in the church, that are unnecessary fond of you, watch that person very well. It is someone that knows you very well that is most likely to betray you if the individual is an evil and wicked personality. Many people have been destroyed by these untrustworthy friends.

That is why you need to ask God to open your spiritual eyes and unmask any evil personality camouflaging as a friend in your life.

My beloved, what you will see will surprise you. But never panic, Jesus Christ, The Lion of the Tribe of Judea, the Root of David has Prevailed and has Conquered all for Us. The unmasking of these fake friends and evil personalities working against the will of God in your live is for you to mark them and know how you follow or relate with them.

As God exposes the evil and wicked personalities to you masquerading themselves as friends or well wishers, don’t go and fight them or confront them openly.


Remember what the bible says: “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” (Heb.12:14). When they comes with those their fake laugh but evil soul to greet you or chat with you, show them your own 36 set of teeth with pure heart in return.

Follow them gently and peacefully while you watch and pray for their repentance. Continue to show them love and care (because they don’t know what they are doing, allowing devil to be using them). Peradventure, God will grant them salvation if they decide to have a rethink by forsaking their evil and wicked ways and making a U-turn to change for good.

But in a situation where they reject peace and still continue in their evil, as a child of God, the only defense is counter attack according to Luke 10:19, ”Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

As you go spiritual, pray and return all enemies evil and wicked arrows, projections and manipulations back to them. Let them have a taste of their evil and wickedness and see how it pains. If they still persist in their attack, continue to return all their evil arrows back to them. Pray as the Holy Spirit leads. They will continue to have a full taste of their evil and wickedness. And those of them that says over their dead body will they let you go, well, they have carried out judgment on themselves and will likewise perish with their evil and wickedness.

Remember: If you don’t stop them, they will stop you from realizing your god given destiny in this life. Ephesians 6:11-12 says, “Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

Today, you don’t need to fear enchantments, you don’t need to dear invocations, you don’t need to dear divinations. It is not the activities of spirit beings you need to worry yourself about, not anymore. You need to worry more about those human beings around you who continue to sabotage your efforts.

Those are the people you need to be afraid of even worst than any witchcraft and wizard activities there is on this Earth, you contend with principalities and powers in evil places and you contend again with human powers seeking to hold or manipulate your blessings.

If in your mind, nobody around you – that man working around you, that gate man standing at your gate to open the door for you as you come in or go out deserves your respect and well wishes. They deserve your recommendation if it is required of you to do so. Don’t threaten anyone with whom you may not be in good terms with or that they can’t get blessed except by your saying.

It’s a great technology today, those in exalted positions, spiritual and secularly acquire money power, gun power, human trust that the use to instigate aggression on people they fight and want to keep down and under.

Be vigilant, be sober, watch and pray…


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