Reasons For Marital Delays!

Would be ignorant to always attribute marital delays to high taste or choices of a spouse. Simply put, evil things just happen to good people.

And I think that we have given the devil much attention, too much relevance than he deserves. If we had made the presence of God in our lives as important as we fear the devil and his wicked spirits, our love for God would probably have transformed the world for good.

We’re already a blessed people. So, we need to love God more; we need to deliberately let our consciousness be immersed in the abundant love God has intentionally lavished to cater for and to redeem mankind.

CONSCIOUSLY or unconsciously, the awareness of satanic, demonic and evil activities is awoken in the minds of many people. Thus, unintentionally empowering the devil and his cohorts. Put another way, the fear of satan, demons, and their activities has become rife in the lives of believers – our consciousness of their evil acts is somewhat almost overwhelming. I think that we have given the devil too much relevance, and a significant place more than he deserves. The more you recognize him in anything at all, the stronger you make him appear.

One of the prevalent problems among youths around the world today is that of late marriage. It has become a global phenomenon that gives, parents, pastors, relatives, church members, and marriage counselors serious concern. So many pastors and counselors are already into matchmaking just to ameliorate this situation. It is very common today to see advertisements for spouses in Newspapers, on the Internet, and even on Television. Today, there are many websites singles visit in search of the bones of their bones and flesh of their flesh.

Many have resigned to fate after a series of fruitless efforts and conclude that they can no longer get the man or a lady of their dreams. Many are so desperate and hopeless that they sometimes consider and even try to seduce married men. People are expected to get married between the age of 21 and 25, all other things being equal because of the responsibility of raising their children, while they are still in the earning stages of their lives. Unfortunately, today, many are getting married in their mid or late thirties, forties, and sometimes at fifty.

It is not always a case of demonic or satanic activities. Sometimes, marital delays come often as a result of our inability to develop and maintain single-mindedness in the choice of a marriage partner. It is as easy as this, with every passing day, young people meet up with extremely beautiful people – men and women alike. And they get so confused and are undecided on what they want, and who to pick; the reason we have or hear about failed relationships – one man dating too many women and not marrying any. You could say, “jumping from one woman to another.” This shouldn’t be found among Christians.

Our leader, Elder Paul Hubert, the man behind our Facebook Intercessors group made an impute in that regard.

Intercessors is a group of believers who have been recruited into that group to pray and intercede on behalf of nations, and believers/Christians who have been assigned to take up the gospel in nations where Christianity is not freely allowed, places where Christians are under persecution, etc.

On that, Paul Hubert opined,

“I advise EVERYONE – NOT – TO EVER SEEK marriage or to THINK about it but to SERVE the Lord and let Him lead. Marriage is sacred and it needs to be entered into not from OUR will but according to the Lord’s PURPOSE!”

– Elder Paul Hubert

Considering this issue from the normal point of view, you could blame it on confusion and inconsistency – jumping from one relationship to another, which is very true. But there are varying views on this issue. There is the viewpoint of power play. Many power-drunk people might want to unleash and exert their powers on those who they think are less powerful than by dictating to them what or what not to do. Such men are like slave masters, everything must happen to others or to those upon whom they exert this authority as they dictate.

A one-time dictator and president if the United Soviet Union, Josef Stalin called together his closest comrades-in-arms. And said to them, “I understand you’re wondering how I govern the people so that every last one of them thinks of me as a living god. Now I’ll teach you the right attitude toward the people.” And he ordered a chicken brought in. He plucked it live, in front of them all, down to the last feather, down to the red flesh, until only the comb was left on its head. “And now watch,” he said, and let the chicken go. It could have gone off where it wished, but it went nowhere. It was too hot in the sun and too cold in the shade. The poor bird could only press itself against Stalin’s boots. And then he tossed it a crumb of grain, and the bird followed him wherever he went. Otherwise, it would have fallen over from hunger. That, he told his pupils, “is how you govern our people.”

In every tie, there is someone or a group of persons who benefit. When there is chaos or any form of problem, someone gets blessed from that problem. Some create the problems by themselves so they can enjoy the loot, the dividends from those problems – if you understand what I am talking about. Many years ago, the then president of Soviet Union, Josef Stalin said in a tie against democratic rule, Soviet leader Josef Stalin ripped the feathers off a live chicken to demonstrate “how easy it is to govern stupid people.”

So, having said that, your suffering to whatever degree benefits some bigger dude somewhere. Believe it or not, this is how many leaders are today, wild and evil infested like Josef Stalin, they don’t flinch whenever they are doing evil because they benefit from the problems that have bedeviled you. This happens on both secular and religious grounds – they call it “taming the dig.” In other words, you’re not at liberty to make and lead your lifestyle because such leaders want to dictate for us what to do or happen.

“I advise EVERYONE – NOT – TO EVER SEEK marriage or to THINK about it…” This portion is culled from Elder Paul Hubert’s advice to make or establish a point out of that.

Well, I don’t know about that, and I don’t intend to dispute what you have said. However, what I know is that God deals with people differently. I respect how God has led you throughout the process of your Christian growth, marriage, and all. But while you were waiting on God for other things to happen in your life, I believe that God gave you absolute peace of mind until Linda came along.

I don’t think that it will be right to take one person’s experience and make and establish that as a rule or a standard for every other to pattern their life after in the service of God or that that should be the expected manner every marriage should happen or come. Mind you, that I said earlier that I respect what God has done in your case and you found peace through the process.

However, I want to ask the question, what happens or how do we deal with the aspect of scripture on marriage that says, “He who finds a good wife has found a good thing and obtains favor from God.” – Proverbs 18:22.

And I know the scripture says in Genesis 6:6, “God regretted that He made the man” as evil began to increase on the earth by the fall… We don’t get married by sleeping away, we don’t marry by closing our eyes to all the people, the women or men with whom we fraternize – amongst them could be your husband or wife, and you cannot afford to stop relating with them when you know that it is your time to be married.

There was a point in Genesis where God brought a woman to a man. And when the man saw her, he affirmed to himself, “This is now bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh…” But at the point when things went bad, the man said, “It is the woman you gave to me.” – Genesis 3:12-19.

You cannot also afford to push away or stop being friendly with women or men because you don’t want to give anyone the impression you want to marry. Some people manipulate other people’s opportunities to send wrong messages against that person – the idea is so they can achieve some evil intentions they have perpetuated.

I advise anyone going through any marital problems (delays) to continue to look to God, and to trust that He is able to bring us out of every manipulation of men.

I only shared my opinion, my experiences are not binding on anyone who does not share my viewpoint and or anyone who thinks otherwise.

Down below, I have also shared with you here the selected opinions of a few members of the Intercessors group on the matter, you may find these messages useful to learn from to deal with your cases. If at all you’re having challenges in finding a marriage partner.

“God made it clear to me to stop dating, and that He would bring my husband… a few years later he did in the most miraculous manner! Our love for God and vision for serving Him were identical and we were instant best friends. “Delight. yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart…,’ We’ve been married for 38 years and have ministered together in nearly every state in the U.S., several European countries and Mexico.”

Marjie Lewis

“I know God does bring people together because I lived in Michigan way out in the countryside where my brother worked at a hospital as a security officer. He hurt his finger and went into ER, he met a man they got talking about family. My brother spoke of me. He gave my brother his address then he got to mine, and he came to see me when roads were bad because of snow storms. Six months later, we got married. He passed on, 2017 would have been 49 years, the only man I was ever with.”

– Ruby Ewens

“Low self-esteem could be one of the reasons why some marriages are delayed (e.g. I am not good enough for marriage), disobedience to God’s instructions regarding marriage (e.g. marriage is honorable with the bed undefiled, do not commit fornication), bad character (lies, anger, cheating, e.t.c.), experience or experiences (e.g. I have had 4-10 failed relationships), foundational curses, family background, a curse from a man or woman from a past relationship. These and many more are some of the key reasons I think constitutes delay in marriage.”

Weng James

There is that issue of manipulation. If you are strong-willed especially when you are in a place like Nigeria where people are in search of miracles, signs, and wonders. Where the evidence of being a strong or true man of God is where you can birth miracles, where your words come true – you prophesy and your prophecies come through. So, men of God force their words to come to pass – acting God in the lives of their followers. And most times, they do not work at making the positive or good things they prophesy come through but for curses that they have said concerning anyone, they make sure that they make it happen.

It is very difficult for anyone who does not understand the drama today in the preachers’ world. But I pray that we can come to the light (understanding) of what I have just said.

An African adage says, “If they want to kill a dog, they call it bad names.” This is the same dog that has been the security guard and had kept their homes safe and protected from invaders, thieves, and marauders. This time, the dog is no longer needed.

Some people will only want to use you, they will support you when what you are doing will help them in achieving their purpose. But if it has to do with your success and progress, they won’t support you at whatever it is you want to do. So, they turn around and to call you bad names or create chaos to make it look like there’s just something wrong or bad about you that God resists.

To some people, your marriage profits their ministries. And if it’s not, that man or woman they want for you, they may never allow you to be connected to the man or woman of your choice except someone they desire for you to marry. But who will live with her? Whose duty is it to find? The scripture says he who finds a wife has found a good thing and obtains favor from God.

For the most part, some of the factors that could cause delay in marriages include:

  1. Career-oriented efforts,
  2. Higher qualifications,
  3. Family responsibilities to be fulfilled before being married,
  4. Highly choosy, in search of a better partner, etc.

So, watch out for these problems to avoid delays in your marriage. The devil is not behind every calamity we suffer. You may be your own problem or the human forces around you could be contributing factors that negate and or delay your marriage.

Be blessed!

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