Tradition Versus Legality!

“A man shall leave his father and mother… and hold fast his wife… they shall become one flesh.”

The best thing that could happen to every man is to find the right woman.

She will set your life straight and give you a sense of responsibility, something to run back home to…

“A man got married to three wives, the first wife was married in a traditional way, the second wife was married in Church (white wedding), and the third or last wife was married in court. Of the three women, which of them is his real or legal wife?
–  Home Of Bombom.

AN anonymous writer wrote, I don’t know whether it is a joke or not, a saying goes that, “Ever Since god created woman, god and man has never rested.” I want to believe that it’s the complex nature of a woman’s life. Dealing with one woman is a difficult task, talk more of having three of them as wives? It’s like a quick license to hell.

Is that suggesting that women are devilish?


As much as many women can be complicated, it will wrong and unfair on my part to generalize this issue. While a few women have layers to their personality, emotions, or experiences that may not be easily understood or straightforward. It could mean that they have a mix of qualities, thoughts, or feelings that can be contradictory or difficult to reconcile.

Quite a number of them address themselves as difficult or complicated. Anyone who would refer to themselves as complicated may feel that they possess depth, nuance, or intricacies that make them challenging to fully comprehend or interact with. This label can also indicate that they have complex emotions, past experiences, or internal struggles that contribute to their self-perception as being intricate or hard to categorize.

Overall, describing oneself as a “complicated person” often implies that there is more to them than meets the eye and that understanding them requires a deeper level of engagement or empathy.

In essence, we’re trying to comprehend why or how a single man would opt to marry more than one woman considering how hard it could be to deal with women. Well, it’s a dicey situation. But to put this point right, the issue of legality does not arise here if his heart was not satisfied with the first wife but continued to rove from one woman to another until he’s now a husband of three.

Legality can only be considered where there’s loyalty and commitment to what he had, and how can anyone define commitment from a heart that has been torn between three or more women? Rather, we would be talking about how this individual would be wiggling his way out of this confusion because each of this women will demand attention from their man.

Legal Marriage:
A legal marriage is defined as the voluntary union for life of one man and one woman to the exclusion of all others” A statutory marriage is one that is essentially monogamous in nature, this means that a man can only be married to one woman and a woman can only be married to one man at a time.

The elements of a valid marriage are consent, license, solemnization, and authentication. Those qualities in define the what every marriage should undergo to be considered true and blessed.

An ideal marriage should culminate into a peaceful home is an environment that induces a physical and emotional feeling of safety, calmness, and serenity. A peaceful home is not about how large your home is or any other tangible element in your home. It’s about how the elements in your home make you feel.

A home with three women to one man is likely to be a complete disaster or chaos as these women demands attention from this man. Marriage laws vary by country and region, and polygamy, the practice of having multiple spouses, is illegal in many parts of the world. In places where polygamy is legal, such as some countries that follow Islamic law, a man may be allowed to have multiple wives under certain conditions.

In such cases where polygamy is legally recognized, each marriage is typically considered valid and the man is legally married to each of the women. This can have various legal, social, and financial implications, and the specific rights and responsibilities of each spouse can vary based on the laws of the country or region in which the marriages take place.

It’s important to note that polygamy can be a complex and sensitive issue, and it’s crucial to consider the well-being and rights of all individuals involved in such relationships. Additionally, in places where polygamy is not legally recognized, entering into multiple marriages can have legal consequences, including potential criminal charges or the invalidation of the marriages

Moreso, legality is not or can not be considered as a criteria or yardstick to measure truth, uprightness and authenticity of living. Today, laws are bent to suit or favor the whoever can argue his point or convince the court or the custodians of the law. Therefore, they argue and prove you wrong if you don’t have evidence to attest to your innocence even if you’re right.

For instance, gay marriage has been legalized but that does not make it right in the nature of human creation.

Bringing this discussion into proper perspective, marrying many women is allowed but does not make the situation okay because that is considered as prostitution. One whose attention is shared amongst many people cannot be stable enough to maintain or be faithful to all the people to whom he or she is given to serve.

So, to cap it up, they’re all legal because the three marriages are conducted under the tenets of a certain law: Traditional, White or Christian or Customary (court) laws respectively, which are all dependent on which of the laws they hold strongly.

The three women are all his wives according to the laws guarding those traditions.

When you understand a woman and she understands you, when. You are open, trusting and she knows who you really are, then you’re not going to have any problems with your woman. A woman who loves you can go all the way to do anything to get you to reach your best of potential.


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