
Some spills of malicious or some sensitive matters meant to ensnare another.

A practice that inflicts very devastating injuries upon those they’re told.

Gossips do not go any farther than shrouded into deep troubles that soon torpedoes against the perpetrator because truth cannot be buried too long – truth comes handy to illumine lies enshrined in dark and murky discontentment.

A booming trade, growing fast especially in the feminine gender. Like wild fire, they will lambast, generate stories foreshadowing in the negative, suggestive  innuendos about another’s lifestyle, spreading to everything and anything seemingly challenging to some behavior or attitude about us.

Obviously, gossips come in menacing subtilty, enshrined in some nice but malicious inflections to mislead and plunge into danger. As the little chit-chats we discuss in secret about others, gossips have the intentions to malign, mangle, to crush or bruise egos (spirits) of anyone not comfortable or bold enough to discuss or tell our stories before. This is a conspiracy that usually occurs when we feel bruised or crossed by a behavior, attitude or an attitude they exhibited against us or someone around us.

The game of power says, “You need an enemy to get ahead in life” meaning that we need someone on our heels to help sharpen our wits or push us out from our comfort zones unto better thoughts or deeds that make for progress.

As fast as this trade grows, and rewarding as it may seem, the repercussions could be devastating. Devastating in the sense that it might take away or deplete your joy and peace of mind when the truth is finally revealed. Little as that habit seems, its effects are more dangerous, destructive and more lethal than a million biological warheads (bomb).

Gossips are responsible for igniting  some of the most destructive wars in human history, you ever know. But then, you’d wonder how any sane person would lead himself into such an ugly position. Simple, trying to find favor, to position into someone’s good books, to bail themselves out of a tight situation, to look good or better than another, sometimes for the fun of it, the inability to keep silent.

You know, every time, the Scripture makes so much sense. As a matter of fact, it is the real deal – everything will fall back to it. Recently, I came across this analogy from one Gwen Somto’s Facebook page. The analogy puts our subject matter into better perspective. The Scripture says in John….., “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaketh.” In other words, in the heat of a straining situation, whatever is resident in the inside of your heart, spirit, the contents of your mind – that’s what will spill out.

So, here’s the analogy:
Let’s say, you’re holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.
Why did you spill the coffee?
“Because someone bumped into me!”
Wrong answer.
You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Simple!
Had there been tea in the cup, it is tea that you’d have spilled.
Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It’s easy to fake it, until you get rattled.
So, we have to ask ourselves… “What’s in my cup?”
When life gets tough, what spills over?
Joy, gratitude, peace and humility? Anger, bitterness, victim mentality and quitting tendencies?

Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.

Let’s pause here to say this, that people don’t just decide overnight to go into the habit of gossips because that could be their only option but that it is one habit they must have developed over time and will not relinquish but allowed to flourish, to warm in strongly in order to strengthen their egos, not until ego is bruised sooner than they ever imagine.

Today let’s work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.

When we become too carelessly involved with a certain person or people, we open an easy door for every kind of ease, and open discourses that could flourish in all directions.

The more you grow and thrive in this kind of trade, the worse our society becomes because lies don’t last long – no matter how good and long they linger, they come to an end sooner than they started.

Morgan Richard Olivier said, “Sometimes, we desire so deeply to be wanted that we forget the importance of being truly valued and appreciated.” Our undying desire to have people around us, to be a people pleaser, or be in someone’s good books. These things we do with or for people come back to us in some funny way – sometimes good and sometimes bad.

Gossips, some spills of malicious or some sensitive matters meant to ensnare another.

A practice that inflicts very devastating injuries upon those they’re told.

Gossips do not go any farther than enshroud into deep troubles that soon torpedoes against the perpetrator because truth cannot be buried too long – truth come handy to illumine lies enshrined in dark and murky discontentment.

Watch out! Just so you don’t get in matter that tarnish your good reputation because if those who have held you in high esteem realize you’re not the man or woman they’d thought you’re, they get disappointed and lose respect for you. I guess, you won’t love that to happen to you.

Be careful!

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