Landing Gear!

As you go through life, remember that you’re not made to be alone. We were created for relationships, to be together, get things done to get ahead.

Whatever you do, work at it with caution so that your life can have direction and meaning.

As you hit the ground, running, ensure that your landing gears are properly checked, and in good working condition to avoid calamity befalling you.

WITH high hopes and unparalleled aspirations, we take off to accomplishing desires as human beings. And then, many of us begins to glide and soar the altitude of life in a frenzy, forgetting there’s a time to come down, to land back on the ground to exist and reckon with on this side or realm of  life.

High Society:
Like it is said, “With great power comes great responsibility!” You will be expected to be more successful than your previous generations and will be expected to expand your family empire to even higher altitudes.

Although to be born in a higher society means you will have a lot less struggles to face in life than others,  you will have a whole lot of resources available for your use, you will be given the opportunity to follow your dreams which 90% of the people are deprived of.

On the other hand, you will certainly miss out on the awesome things that lower class people enjoy, you will miss out on the happiness that one has after struggling so much for that one thing. But nevertheless, who does not want to be rich, who does not want to be born with a silver spoon, in a higher class, and all. Well, you should consider yourself very privileged and enjoy life to its full and also help all those who aren’t as fortunate as you are.

However, while you relish in the wonders and enjoy your lavish lifestyle, be watchful to learn to save, to keep or put aside some savings that you can fall back on on rainy days.

Many times, we take off on the wrong footing, and have difficulties later on how to land. A saying goes, “Whatever goes up, must come day!” You may learn some bad habits that put you on a very high pedestal that makes you begin to think or consider other people as nothing, that they don’t matter in our dealings. But no one, not even the most blessed or richest of men can be on their own, not needing someone – that’s a lie of the devil. No man is an island, you will always need someone to help you with something. You can be multitalented, there’s that one thing that you cannot accomplish by yourself.

Egotistic is another word to think highly of one self. To be egotistical is to have an inflated view of your self -importance. Basically, to think you’re better than everyone else. You might express this egotism by constantly reminding your friends that you have a fantastic figure or a magnificent mind. This might not only be expressed in words but most often in behavior and actions (body language).

Mind you, there’s a difference between being narcissistic (egotistic) and being positive minded (to think highly of oneself). When you think of yourself as creative, passionate, interesting, valuable, unique and genuine, those positive expectations will be expressed in your life. Thinking highly of yourself doesn’t mean you have to be arrogant or elitist. Yet, some people take off on a negative and destructive altitude that they never considered coming down.

As you engage on the journey of your life, as you decide on the altitude and speed you want to travel, may you be conscious of the fact that anytime soon, you will still land and that your landing gears must be in good, working condition or run the risks of crash-landing.

The landing gear in an aircraft enables the aircraft for taxi on the tarmac for safe landing and takeoff, and to support the aircraft at rest on ground operations.

Air And Ground Operations:
For an aircraft operator, especially where commercial air transport is concerned, ground operations include the aspect of the airline that deals with the airport handling procedures ensuring passengers, cargo mail, etc. are safely on board the aircraft prior to departure.

You will be wondering why we’re talking about landing gears when we’re not pilots or dealing with airplanes. Knowledge is power, the lack of it can be destructive or will spell danger to humanity.

The main issue here is the problems with our attitude, your attitude to life and the way we treat or relate with others can be the issue – your attitude, behavior and lifestyle is the landing gear necessary to make for our success.

The result for pride and arrogance in a man’s life will determine how far he will go or succeed in life. The two  produce an inability to learn either from one’s own experiences or those of others. It also spawns a hatred of criticism and disdain for others. The greater the pride, the more dangerous the consequences to the relationship, whether in a marriage, a partnership, or politics.

Let me start by looking at pride, and I want to start with this thought. Pride is a subtle and sneaky killer in our lives. It is so sneaky that we don’t see it or know that it’s there but it kills the most central and important areas of our lives.  Scripture warns of pride, a lot actually.  I don’t think it’s ironic that Solomon the wisest person who ever lived not named Jesus brings up warnings of pride, and the rewards of humility all throughout his wise teachings in Proverbs.  Here’s just one example.

“Pride goes before destruction, and haughtiness before a fall. It is better to live humbly with the poor than to share plunder with the proud.” – Proverbs 16:18-19 (NLT).

So pride is out ahead, leading us towards a great crash, and I called it the sneaky or silent killer because we never really see it coming.  I want to show you just an area or two, that are really life lines for us people where pride and can creep in and take us out.  Let’s start here…

Pride can kill our relationships with people.  Have you ever had a friend or loved one who just won’t or can’t listen?  Who simply talks about themselves all the time?  Who seems to be able to show you everything you need to work on in your life, but doesn’t seem to recognize any shortcomings of their own?  How much fun is that to deal with?  Well this is what pride does.  It makes me feel superior or above, it blocks communication, it hurts people…and eventually it can isolate you and you may never know why other than to say, “I don’t know what happened so and so, oh well, I’m rolling on!  Their loss”  Well pride really beats people up, and can leave real hurts and wreckage all around it, and eventually it can isolate you, which is not a good thing. 

As a person, you were created to relate/be with others, in community, and you are better when you are with people in community. Human beings are built for relationships and pride can really tear them away.  We are better together than we would ever be apart.  Remember throughout this series we have been talking about the spiritual war, the fact that you do have an enemy, and that the enemy wants to take you down,. Well, when you are isolated and alone you are much more open to those attacks.

So, your disposition as a person, your behavior, lifestyle – humility or pride are your landing gears. If you’re humble, it invariably means that your are very likely to have a smooth or soft landing, which always is the best for landing for any aircraft whether it is heavily or sparsely loaded. Whereas, arrogance or pride is like bad weather or heavy loads that are imputed on a plane while landing the plane despite the harshness or toughness of weather.


Some funny things you probably have not learned about certain people. They act as victims in a problem they created – that’s gaslighting, it actually means manipulating someone into questioning their own perception of reality. Such people, you should avoid by every means because they will make you feel foolish, unworthy and devilish. The idea is to make you feel guilty so you would allow them so whatever they do wish.

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