Clipped Wings!

Clipped Wings…

She struggled not to want to fly….
Whenever she felt like it,
She just leaps, and takes off,
Spreading her wings wide, off she goes…
Flies away, gliding on the wings of the wind to wherever land.

On clipped wings, she sat in the cage
In dark-gloom, pained by the restraints,
Looking with keen desire into the sky… For another chance to enjoy the cool breeze caressing her face in the flight
“I wish to be free, so I could explore!”

The odds against her are too numerous,
Flooding menacingly with daunting intents
Held down, and held back are the intents
Biting away on the band clipping her winds, to wiggle out of restriction and find for herself freedom.

Clipped Wings…
By: Darwei, Timothy Jah.

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