…A Matter Of Priority!

Nigeria: Get your onuses right, and see if there’s anything that can stand between the nation and your success.

Here we are struggling to pay off the high bills on our tables: electricity tariff, high cost of living, cost of food items and all. Meanwhile, the only problems lawmakers could see in our economy was the need to revert to a National Anthem from colonial days?

We don’t seem to have identified the problem or we have but prefer to look the other way.

HOW does the suffering of Nigerians translate to reverting to a National Anthem? Or better still, how would this change alleviate the sufferings of Nigerians at all levels besides the ruling class? Or could this be a clear indication that this government is clueless of what to do to bring about the necessary change the nation truly needs?

In honesty, I do not claim to know or have an idea of what the intentions are in the mind of Mr. President  but I think something is amiss. The government isn’t addressing the real issues.

To say more, the government is just toying with us, they cannot shift the problems of poor implementation of policies, misplacement of priority, the lack of productivity to a change of the National Anthem. The government should address the real issues on the ground. And what are those real issues? The greed in their minds, their ill-driven motives to exploit government coffers and amass great wealth for themselves and families.

May we ask all the people in positions of authority, How sane (sincere) are they at heart concerning their cravings to run public offices? What is their mission as public servants? All I can see which has been the trend with all the successive governments is come into office, waste the first 4 years tenure philandering about executing senseless projects, or doing nothing at all rather continue to syphon money from public coffers into their personal accounts. So that at the knick of the tenure, they begin to engage in infrastructural development to deceive, entice and persuade the masses to vote them for the second tenure only to abandon the project and concentrate on syphoning public treasure, to continue to pillage and mess up the system by some more. And of course, the mandate has been given to them, there’s no taking it back until the tenure is over since Nigerians will not revoke bad leaders.

If I still recall correctly, we were told that a Christian was not being selected to be Vice President because of incompetence. We do not have a Christian as Vice President. As a matter of seriousness, we are under a Muslim-Muslim ticket. What is the issue? Why can’t we enjoy the wonderful benefits of that ticket?

By sane, I mean that they are truthful in running the affairs they’ve been saddled with in their various offices. Every day, government offices and the government heads into a comatose. There isn’t a single business run by a government agency that ever succeeds, because they assume a natural death after a few years because their managers always sabotage the businesses.

Isn’t that the reason all government businesses were sold out, they called it privatization but we knew what they did, they tore down everything that is for the common good only to buy such for themselves or sell to their friends or family and make huge amounts of money at the detriment of the populace.

A wasteful government, that we have in Nigeria.

It’s absolutely delusional to think the problem, the corruption in our system and greed in us stems from the National Anthem one of our own, a Nigerian painstakingly wrote.

We can change everything to what used to be, if we cannot change our mindset, we would only be going round circles, and not make any progress.

Having broken the rule of law or considering some persons above the law while others are used as scapegoats to show examples is the problem. If the law prosecutes everyone who violates, it will leave fear in the heart of all to not even try to do anything funny because the law will find them out.

If a poor man or one who has nobody at a higher position of power, is prosecuted while those who have or know someone influential are allowed to do whatever they please.

So, it’s not about changing the National Anthem, it’s in our attitude, our mindset. If we can change our mindset, Nigeria will return to the glory it once enjoyed.

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