
Perception is an interpersonal view about life, your impressions, opinions, and approaches to life issues. As in, say, two persons given a question to answer in writing or at alternative times – the two opinions will vary because the understanding and the manner of the approach employed to answer the question might not and definitely won’t be the same. The respondents might arrive at the same answer in the long run, though. But their perception won’t be the same…

This is why there’s never a wrong answer, rather, varying perceptions of an issue. Perception gives room for exploration, research, experimentation, personal improvement, and extemporization.

Perceptions make for creativity, innovations, and great productivity.

LIFE is a perception of views, opinions, reasonings and understanding of how it works for you. What things bring you joy, peace of mind, makes you alive, and excited about living, what things give you reason for existence. Finding your steps in life is finding purpose.

If you don’t find something to live for, you will never see reasons to exist, as life will be worthless, useless and a mere chasing after the wind. People who go into depressions did not find good enough reason to want to exist, those who contemplate suicide never had reason to believe in themselves and what they are in the inside.

Your perception about life sets the precedent for existence, what you do and how you go about doing what you do in the course of life and consequently learning to meander around whenever you come across challenges in your journey of life.

When people get to a very ripe old age, what are the things they found that helped to keep them alive for all those number of years?

You should approach every day to face life with enthusiasm, with the right kind of attitude.

Nothing of value is to be allowed to slip away unnoticed, unattended, every valuable item, asset, thought or idea that is of worth should be pursued after with all vigor, and vehemence. So, find purpose and you will see your worth – your worth is hidden in your perceptions.

What makes you look forward to waking up every morning? What keeps you alive, young, and impregnated? Those are the things for which you should go about life – that thing that caused the the excitement in you. However, no purpose ever come on a platter. Every purposeful living comes with its own unique challenges. When you have found purpose, find ways to sort out the challenges and you will be on your way to success and fulfillment.

Attitude is honed by your understanding of life. “In all your getting, get understanding.” Proverbs

Perceptions are real, true as you saw them but the moment you begin to entertain negativity, every possibility of realization is negated. The law of motion says, “Action and reaction are equal and opposite.” Meaning that there is potency in every good thought that roams into your mind, when you think on it deeply. But a counteracting force will come to provide the same force of hindrance or an opposite reaction of expected results.

To ever do anything or execute a project right, you must have the right or best of perceptions on or about that thing. If not, good results eludes you.

Negative/wrong perceptions puts you on the edge, they put you in a struggle for and against what might or might not be real.

Yes, life might not always come to us as a bed of Roses. As it could sometime bring us face-to-face unto bad vibes, hikes and hitches that throws us off balance, and out of synch with our desired goals.

Some people see life as a ground for competition, so that every day they live, every thing they do is to beat someone at something, to look better, to act better, dress better, sound better and be better than the everyone else.

With this bruised perception, such men will on work so hard to scuttle another man’s plans to better his/her own, to sabotage or circumvent someone else’s ideas to better their own.

As you go along the path of life, be careful to watch who is walking alongside with you, what kind of men are they? Competitors or fellow students/learners of life.

You will do well to avoid competitors, for they will only add to the stress you’re already enduring. The path to discovering your future does not require anymore stress.

Competitors could be anybody, might not necessarily be enemies. Anyone not helping to ease up your stress but adding to it is in contention with you. It could be a jealous friend, a bruised colleagues; it could also be family members who is not happy with you concerning some things he/she can not communicate with you about.

Sadly, your competitors could be your fears and the doubts that hinder you from making progress, the stuff you have fed into your mind all these while. You need to beat down on those things to enjoy life on the good side of success. I am learning again to refocus. “I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts and got married to my dreams.” I had set aside every good dream that ever come my way for the fear of how or who would sponsor when I launch them into existence. Today, I know better that all I need to do is to keep going, to keep dreaming and work hard enough to set the dream rolling is that I stay set, and focused on my dreams. Someday, someone will come along my path who might see value in that dream and help to sponsor it.

Be wary, most of the scars on people’s hearts weren’t left by their enemies. They were left by the people who claimed to have loved them the most.

Be extra careful…

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